This tutorial shows you how to download NAM data from Amazon (and other sources) with the Herbie Python package.

from herbie import Herbie
from toolbox import EasyMap, pc
from paint.standard2 import cm_tmp

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
H = Herbie("2022-12-10", model="nam", fxx=6)
βœ… Found β”Š model=nam β”Š product=conusnest.hiresf β”Š 2022-Dec-10 00:00 UTC F06 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
{'conusnest.hiresf': 'CONUS 5 km',
 'firewxnest.hiresf': 'Fire Weather 1.33 km CONUS/1.5 km Alaska',
 'alaskanest.hiresf': 'Alaska 6 km',
 'hawaiinest.hiresf': 'Hawaii 6 km',
 'priconest.hiresf': 'Puerto Rico 3 km',
 'afwaca': 'Central America/Caribbean'}
ds = H.xarray("TMP:2 m above")
πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ­ Created directory: [C:\Users\blaylock\data\nam\20221210]
C:\Users\blaylock\_GITHUB\Herbie\herbie\ UserWarning: sorry, on windows I couldn't remove the file.
  warnings.warn("sorry, on windows I couldn't remove the file.")
Dimensions:              (y: 1059, x: 1799)
    time                 datetime64[ns] 2022-12-10
    step                 timedelta64[ns] 06:00:00
    heightAboveGround    float64 2.0
    latitude             (y, x) float64 21.14 21.14 21.15 ... 47.86 47.85 47.84
    longitude            (y, x) float64 237.3 237.3 237.3 ... 299.0 299.0 299.1
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 2022-12-10T06:00:00
Dimensions without coordinates: y, x
Data variables:
    t2m                  (y, x) float32 292.3 291.9 292.2 ... 275.6 275.6 275.8
    gribfile_projection  object None
    GRIB_edition:            2
    GRIB_centre:             kwbc
    GRIB_centreDescription:  US National Weather Service - NCEP
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             US National Weather Service - NCEP
    model:                   nam
    product:                 conusnest.hiresf
    description:             North America Mesoscale - CONUS
    local_grib:              C:\Users\blaylock\data\nam\20221210\subset_22b2c...
    search:            TMP:2 m above
ax = EasyMap("50m",, figsize=[8, 8]).STATES().ax
p = ax.pcolormesh(
    ds.longitude, ds.latitude, ds.t2m, transform=pc, **cm_tmp(units="K").cmap_kwargs
    p, ax=ax, orientation="horizontal", pad=0.05, **cm_tmp(units="K").cbar_kwargs

    f"{ds.model.upper()}: {H.product_description} ({H.product})\nValid: {ds.valid_time.dt.strftime('%H:%M UTC %d %b %Y').item()}",
ax.set_title(ds.t2m.GRIB_name, loc="right")
Text(1.0, 1.0, '2 metre temperature')

Additional products#

def plot_product(product):
    H = Herbie("2022-12-10", model="nam", fxx=6, product=product)

    ds = H.xarray("TMP:2 m above")

    ax = EasyMap("50m",, figsize=[8, 8]).STATES().ax
    p = ax.pcolormesh(
        ds.longitude, ds.latitude, ds.t2m, transform=pc, **cm_tmp(units="K").cmap_kwargs
        p, ax=ax, orientation="horizontal", pad=0.05, **cm_tmp(units="K").cbar_kwargs

        f"{ds.model.upper()}: {H.product_description} ({product})\nValid: {ds.valid_time.dt.strftime('%H:%M UTC %d %b %Y').item()}",
    ax.set_title(ds.t2m.GRIB_name, loc="right")
    return H, ds, ax
dict_keys(['conusnest.hiresf', 'firewxnest.hiresf', 'alaskanest.hiresf', 'hawaiinest.hiresf', 'priconest.hiresf', 'afwaca'])
H, ds, ax = plot_product("conusnest.hiresf")
βœ… Found β”Š model=nam β”Š product=conusnest.hiresf β”Š 2022-Dec-10 00:00 UTC F06 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
H, ds, ax = plot_product("firewxnest.hiresf")
βœ… Found β”Š model=nam β”Š product=firewxnest.hiresf β”Š 2022-Dec-10 00:00 UTC F06 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
C:\Users\blaylock\_GITHUB\Herbie\herbie\ UserWarning: sorry, on windows I couldn't remove the file.
  warnings.warn("sorry, on windows I couldn't remove the file.")
H, ds, ax = plot_product("alaskanest.hiresf")
βœ… Found β”Š model=nam β”Š product=alaskanest.hiresf β”Š 2022-Dec-10 00:00 UTC F06 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
C:\Users\blaylock\_GITHUB\Herbie\herbie\ UserWarning: sorry, on windows I couldn't remove the file.
  warnings.warn("sorry, on windows I couldn't remove the file.")
# NOTE: Weirdness with Hawaii not returning as a grid, but as a line

H, ds, ax = plot_product("hawaiinest.hiresf")
βœ… Found β”Š model=nam β”Š product=hawaiinest.hiresf β”Š 2022-Dec-10 00:00 UTC F06 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
C:\Users\blaylock\_GITHUB\Herbie\herbie\ UserWarning: sorry, on windows I couldn't remove the file.
  warnings.warn("sorry, on windows I couldn't remove the file.")
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[17], line 4
      1 # NOTE: Weirdness with Hawaii not returning as a grid, but as a line
----> 4 H, ds, ax = plot_product("hawaiinest.hiresf")

Cell In[12], line 7, in plot_product(product)
      4 ds = H.xarray("TMP:2 m above")
      6 ax = EasyMap("50m",, figsize=[8, 8]).STATES().ax
----> 7 p = ax.pcolormesh(
      8     ds.longitude, ds.latitude, ds.t2m, transform=pc, **cm_tmp(units="K").cmap_kwargs
      9 )
     10 plt.colorbar(
     11     p, ax=ax, orientation="horizontal", pad=0.05, **cm_tmp(units="K").cbar_kwargs
     12 )
     14 ax.set_title(
     15     f"{ds.model.upper()}: {H.product_description} ({product})\nValid: {ds.valid_time.dt.strftime('%H:%M UTC %d %b %Y').item()}",
     16     loc="left",
     17 )

File c:\Users\blaylock\Miniconda3\envs\herbie-dev\lib\site-packages\cartopy\mpl\, in _add_transform.<locals>.wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs)
    313     raise ValueError(f'Invalid transform: Spherical {func.__name__} '
    314                      'is not supported - consider using '
    315                      'PlateCarree/RotatedPole.')
    317 kwargs['transform'] = transform
--> 318 return func(self, *args, **kwargs)

File c:\Users\blaylock\Miniconda3\envs\herbie-dev\lib\site-packages\cartopy\mpl\, in GeoAxes.pcolormesh(self, *args, **kwargs)
   1773 """
   1774 Add the "transform" keyword to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`.
   1781 """
   1782 # Add in an argument checker to handle Matplotlib's potential
   1783 # interpolation when coordinate wraps are involved
-> 1784 args, kwargs = self._wrap_args(*args, **kwargs)
   1785 result = super().pcolormesh(*args, **kwargs)
   1786 # Wrap the quadrilaterals if necessary

File c:\Users\blaylock\Miniconda3\envs\herbie-dev\lib\site-packages\cartopy\mpl\, in GeoAxes._wrap_args(self, *args, **kwargs)
   1811 X = np.asanyarray(args[0])
   1812 Y = np.asanyarray(args[1])
-> 1813 nrows, ncols = np.asanyarray(args[2]).shape
   1814 Nx = X.shape[-1]
   1815 Ny = Y.shape[0]

ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
[ ]:
ds = Herbie("2022-08-10", model="nam", product="hawaiinest.hiresf").xarray("TMP:2 m")
βœ… Found β”Š model=nam β”Š product=hawaiinest.hiresf β”Š 2022-Aug-10 00:00 UTC F00 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
Dimensions:              (values: 72225)
    time                 datetime64[ns] 2022-08-10
    step                 timedelta64[ns] 00:00:00
    heightAboveGround    float64 2.0
    latitude             (values) float64 18.07 18.07 18.07 ... 23.09 23.09
    longitude            (values) float64 198.5 198.5 198.5 ... 206.1 206.1
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 2022-08-10
Dimensions without coordinates: values
Data variables:
    t2m                  (values) float32 299.8 299.8 299.8 ... 299.0 299.0
    gribfile_projection  object None
    GRIB_edition:            2
    GRIB_centre:             kwbc
    GRIB_centreDescription:  US National Weather Service - NCEP
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             US National Weather Service - NCEP
    model:                   nam
    product:                 hawaiinest.hiresf
    description:             North America Mesoscale - CONUS
    local_grib:              /p/cwfs/blaylock/data/nam/20220810/subset_93f271...
    search:            TMP:2 m
plt.scatter(ds.longitude, ds.latitude, ds.t2m, c=ds.t2m, marker=".")
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x26fb0ee5690>
# NOTE: Weirdness with Puerto Rico not returning as a grid, but as a line

H, ds, ax = plot_product("priconest.hiresf")
βœ… Found β”Š model=nam β”Š product=priconest.hiresf β”Š 2022-Dec-10 00:00 UTC F06 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
C:\Users\blaylock\_GITHUB\Herbie\herbie\ UserWarning: sorry, on windows I couldn't remove the file.
  warnings.warn("sorry, on windows I couldn't remove the file.")
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[19], line 3
      1 # NOTE: Weirdness with Puerto Rico not returning as a grid, but as a line
----> 3 H, ds, ax = plot_product("priconest.hiresf")

Cell In[12], line 7, in plot_product(product)
      4 ds = H.xarray("TMP:2 m above")
      6 ax = EasyMap("50m",, figsize=[8, 8]).STATES().ax
----> 7 p = ax.pcolormesh(
      8     ds.longitude, ds.latitude, ds.t2m, transform=pc, **cm_tmp(units="K").cmap_kwargs
      9 )
     10 plt.colorbar(
     11     p, ax=ax, orientation="horizontal", pad=0.05, **cm_tmp(units="K").cbar_kwargs
     12 )
     14 ax.set_title(
     15     f"{ds.model.upper()}: {H.product_description} ({product})\nValid: {ds.valid_time.dt.strftime('%H:%M UTC %d %b %Y').item()}",
     16     loc="left",
     17 )

File c:\Users\blaylock\Miniconda3\envs\herbie-dev\lib\site-packages\cartopy\mpl\, in _add_transform.<locals>.wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs)
    313     raise ValueError(f'Invalid transform: Spherical {func.__name__} '
    314                      'is not supported - consider using '
    315                      'PlateCarree/RotatedPole.')
    317 kwargs['transform'] = transform
--> 318 return func(self, *args, **kwargs)

File c:\Users\blaylock\Miniconda3\envs\herbie-dev\lib\site-packages\cartopy\mpl\, in GeoAxes.pcolormesh(self, *args, **kwargs)
   1773 """
   1774 Add the "transform" keyword to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`.
   1781 """
   1782 # Add in an argument checker to handle Matplotlib's potential
   1783 # interpolation when coordinate wraps are involved
-> 1784 args, kwargs = self._wrap_args(*args, **kwargs)
   1785 result = super().pcolormesh(*args, **kwargs)
   1786 # Wrap the quadrilaterals if necessary

File c:\Users\blaylock\Miniconda3\envs\herbie-dev\lib\site-packages\cartopy\mpl\, in GeoAxes._wrap_args(self, *args, **kwargs)
   1811 X = np.asanyarray(args[0])
   1812 Y = np.asanyarray(args[1])
-> 1813 nrows, ncols = np.asanyarray(args[2]).shape
   1814 Nx = X.shape[-1]
   1815 Ny = Y.shape[0]

ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
[ ]:
ds = Herbie("2022-08-10", model="nam", product="priconest.hiresf").xarray(
    "TMP:2 m above"
βœ… Found β”Š model=nam β”Š product=priconest.hiresf β”Š 2022-Aug-10 00:00 UTC F00 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
Dimensions:              (values: 168640)
    time                 datetime64[ns] 2022-08-10
    step                 timedelta64[ns] 00:00:00
    heightAboveGround    float64 2.0
    latitude             (values) float64 15.0 15.0 15.0 ... 22.01 22.01 22.01
    longitude            (values) float64 284.5 284.5 284.5 ... 297.5 297.5
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 2022-08-10
Dimensions without coordinates: values
Data variables:
    t2m                  (values) float32 nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan
    gribfile_projection  object None
    GRIB_edition:            2
    GRIB_centre:             kwbc
    GRIB_centreDescription:  US National Weather Service - NCEP
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             US National Weather Service - NCEP
    model:                   nam
    product:                 priconest.hiresf
    description:             North America Mesoscale - CONUS
    local_grib:              /p/cwfs/blaylock/data/nam/20220810/subset_93f271...
    search:            TMP:2 m above
[ ]:
H, ds, ax = plot_product("afwaca")
βœ… Found β”Š model=nam β”Š product=afwaca β”Š 2022-Aug-10 00:00 UTC F06 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
[ ]: