๐Ÿ“ Pick Points#

Herbieโ€™s pick_points xarray accessor picks data from a model grid nearest locations of interest. Think of it like picking apples from a tree. Herbieโ€™s implementation uses the scikit-learn BallTree algorithm with the haversine formula to get nearest-neighbor values. The haversine formula is important when working with latitude and longitude coordinates.


For regular latitude-longitude grids (e.g., GFS, IFS), you could use xarrayโ€™s advanced indexing instead to easily select your points of interest, but that solution doesnโ€™t work in the following cases:

  • Models with curvilinear grids (i.e. not a regular latitude-longitude grid);

  • Longitude units, [0, 360) vs [-180, 180), differ between model and requested point.

  • The distance to the nearest neighbor needs to be known.

  • Picking more than one nearest neighbor points.

Picking values at nearest-neighbor points in a curvilinear grid has been one of my longstanding questions. In November 2019, I asked How to select the nearest lat/lon location with multi-dimension coordinates) on Stack Overflow, which has had over 28k views in four years. I suggested a rudimentary solution that determined the nearest neighbor point by finding the absolute minimum value between the point and grid difference, but this solution didnโ€™t scale well for picking many points.

I iterated over different solutions since then.

In the deprecated Herbie accessor ds.herbie.nearest_points, I used MetPyโ€™s assign_y_x, transformed the latitude and longitude points to the coordinate reference system coordinates (e.g. lambert conformal for HRRR), and then picked the nearest neighbor points. That worked fine, but it required a coordinate transformation by Cartopy, and not all xarray Datasets have sufficient information to determine the appropriate coordinate transformation.

This new approach using BallTree, we donโ€™t need to do a coordinate transformation, we can pick the \(k\)-th nearest neighbors, and the distance to the nearest neighbors (haversine formula) is returned. I have also implemented the capability to compute the inverse-distance weighted mean of the four (or more) grid points nearest your points of interest.

As I write this, I learned about the xoak package, which also uses BallTree to query nearest neighbors.

Letโ€™s get startedโ€ฆ

To use Herbieโ€™s xarray accessors, you just need to import anything from Herbie.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

import warnings

import herbie
from herbie import Herbie, FastHerbie

A Very Simple Demonstration#

First, Iโ€™ll show how Herbie extracts nearest points from a simple grid. Letโ€™s make a 3x3 xarray Dataset with latitude/longitude coordinates and then extract data nearest two points of interest.

# Create a 3x3 xarray dataset
ds = xr.Dataset(
    {"a": (["latitude", "longitude"], [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]])},
        "latitude": (["latitude"], [44, 45, 46]),
        "longitude": (["longitude"], [-99, -100, -101]),
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 120B
Dimensions:    (latitude: 3, longitude: 3)
  * latitude   (latitude) int64 24B 44 45 46
  * longitude  (longitude) int64 24B -99 -100 -101
Data variables:
    a          (latitude, longitude) int64 72B 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0

The points you want to extract must be given as a Pandas DataFrame with columns latitude and longitude given in degrees.

# We want to pick data closest to two points
points = pd.DataFrame(
        "longitude": [-100.25, -99.4],
        "latitude": [44.25, 45.4],
longitude latitude
0 -100.25 44.25
1 -99.40 45.40

Now we can pick the nearest grid points with the custom Herbie xarray accessor.

Note method='nearest' is the default behavior.

# Pick the value nearest the requested points
matched = ds.herbie.pick_points(points, method="nearest")
WARNING: Herbie won't cache the BallTree because it
         doesn't know what to name it. Please specify
         `tree_name` to cache the tree for use later.
INFO: ๐ŸŒฑ Growing new BallTree...๐ŸŒณ BallTree grew in 0.007 seconds.
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 96B
Dimensions:              (point: 2)
    latitude             (point) int64 16B 44 45
    longitude            (point) int64 16B -100 -99
    point_grid_distance  (point) float64 16B 34.22 54.41
    point_longitude      (point) float64 16B -100.2 -99.4
    point_latitude       (point) float64 16B 44.25 45.4
Dimensions without coordinates: point
Data variables:
    a                    (point) int64 16B 1 0

Alternatively, we can get the inverse-distance weighted mean of the 4 nearest points.

# Distance weighted mean
matched_w = ds.herbie.pick_points(points, method="weighted")
WARNING: Herbie won't cache the BallTree because it
         doesn't know what to name it. Please specify
         `tree_name` to cache the tree for use later.
INFO: ๐ŸŒฑ Growing new BallTree...๐ŸŒณ BallTree grew in 0.0065 seconds.
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 240B
Dimensions:              (point: 2, k: 4)
    point_longitude      (point) float64 16B -100.2 -99.4
    point_latitude       (point) float64 16B 44.25 45.4
    latitude             (k, point) int64 64B 44 45 44 45 45 46 45 46
    longitude            (k, point) int64 64B -100 -99 -101 ... -99 -101 -100
    point_grid_distance  (k, point) float64 64B 34.22 54.41 66.0 ... 102.4 81.38
Dimensions without coordinates: point, k
Data variables:
    a                    (point) float64 16B 1.082 0.2588

Thatโ€™s a lot of info to digest. Iโ€™ll help you visualize what we have done with the following figure.

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=[13, 5])
for p, ax in zip(matched_w.point, axes):
    zz = matched.sel(point=p)

    # Plot grid
        ds.longitude, ds.latitude, ds.a, edgecolor="1", lw=1, cmap="Pastel2_r"
    x, y = np.meshgrid(ds.longitude, ds.latitude)
    x = x.flatten()
    y = y.flatten()
    ax.scatter(x, y, facecolor="tab:red", edgecolor="tab:red", s=100, zorder=100)

    # Plot requested point
    for i in ds.latitude:
        for j in ds.longitude:
            z = ds.sel(latitude=i, longitude=j)
            ax.text(j, i, f"\na={z.a.item()}", ha="center", va="top")

    # Plot path to nearest point and distance
    # for i, j in zip(x, y):
    #    ax.plot([i, point.longitude.values[0]], [j, point.latitude.values[0]])
    for i in matched_w.k:
        if i == 0:
            kwargs = dict(lw=2, color="k", ls="--")
            kwargs = dict(color=".5", ls="--")
        z = matched_w.sel(k=i, point=p)
            [z.longitude, z.point_longitude], [z.latitude, z.point_latitude], **kwargs
            f"  {z.point_grid_distance.item():.1f} km",
    ax.set_title(f"Point={p.item()}", loc="left", fontsize="xx-large")
        f"nearest value:  $a={zz.a.item():.2f}$\nweighted mean:  $a={z.a.item():.2f}$",

The yellow pentagon is the requested point. The gridโ€™s nearest-neighbor point is connected by a thick dashed line. The three other nearest neighbors used to compute the distance-weighted mean are connected by a thin dashed line.

Summary: From a simple 2D Dataset with latitude and longitude coordinates, we got the nearest value for two points of interest. We also compute the inverse-distance weighted mean from the four grids nearest our point of interest.

Pick points from HRRR data#

The above is nice, but you might say, โ€œYeah, but you can already select data from a grid using xarray advanced selection.โ€ That is true, but it does not work for models with curvilienar grids, like the HRRR model.

Here is a demonstration using real HRRR data.

H = Herbie("2024-03-01", model="hrrr")
ds = H.xarray(":(?:TMP|DPT):2 m")
โœ… Found โ”Š model=hrrr โ”Š product=sfc โ”Š 2024-Mar-01 00:00 UTC F00 โ”Š GRIB2 @ aws โ”Š IDX @ aws
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 46MB
Dimensions:              (y: 1059, x: 1799)
    time                 datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-03-01
    step                 timedelta64[ns] 8B 00:00:00
    heightAboveGround    float64 8B 2.0
    latitude             (y, x) float64 15MB 21.14 21.15 21.15 ... 47.85 47.84
    longitude            (y, x) float64 15MB 237.3 237.3 237.3 ... 299.0 299.1
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-03-01
    gribfile_projection  object 8B None
Dimensions without coordinates: y, x
Data variables:
    t2m                  (y, x) float32 8MB 292.5 292.5 292.4 ... 266.8 266.8
    d2m                  (y, x) float32 8MB 287.3 287.2 287.2 ... 262.2 262.2
    GRIB_edition:            2
    GRIB_centre:             kwbc
    GRIB_centreDescription:  US National Weather Service - NCEP
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             US National Weather Service - NCEP
    model:                   hrrr
    product:                 sfc
    description:             High-Resolution Rapid Refresh - CONUS
    remote_grib:             https://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/hrrr....
    local_grib:              /home/blaylock/data/hrrr/20240301/subset_e0ef89f...
    search:            :(?:TMP|DPT):2 m

Letโ€™s extract the data from some points with some fruit-themed station id names.

points = pd.DataFrame(
        "latitude": np.linspace(44, 45.5, 5),
        "longitude": np.linspace(-100, -101, 5),
        "stid": ["McIntosh", "Golden", "Fuji", "Gala", "Honeycrisp"],
latitude longitude stid
0 44.000 -100.00 McIntosh
1 44.375 -100.25 Golden
2 44.750 -100.50 Fuji
3 45.125 -100.75 Gala
4 45.500 -101.00 Honeycrisp
matched = ds.herbie.pick_points(points)
INFO: ๐ŸŒฑ Growing new BallTree...๐ŸŒณ BallTree grew in 3.3 seconds.
INFO: Saved BallTree to /home/blaylock/data/BallTree/hrrr_1799-1059.pkl
CPU times: user 3.36 s, sys: 210 ms, total: 3.57 s
Wall time: 3.55 s
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 320B
Dimensions:              (point: 5)
    time                 datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-03-01
    step                 timedelta64[ns] 8B 00:00:00
    heightAboveGround    float64 8B 2.0
    latitude             (point) float64 40B 43.99 44.37 44.76 45.13 45.5
    longitude            (point) float64 40B 260.0 259.8 259.5 259.3 259.0
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-03-01
    gribfile_projection  object 8B None
    point_grid_distance  (point) float64 40B 0.8515 1.07 1.611 1.41 1.318
    point_latitude       (point) float64 40B 44.0 44.38 44.75 45.12 45.5
    point_longitude      (point) float64 40B -100.0 -100.2 -100.5 -100.8 -101.0
    point_stid           (point) object 40B 'McIntosh' 'Golden' ... 'Honeycrisp'
Dimensions without coordinates: point
Data variables:
    t2m                  (point) float32 20B 288.0 286.7 286.1 282.3 284.8
    d2m                  (point) float32 20B 268.8 271.8 270.5 274.1 270.5
    GRIB_edition:            2
    GRIB_centre:             kwbc
    GRIB_centreDescription:  US National Weather Service - NCEP
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             US National Weather Service - NCEP
    model:                   hrrr
    product:                 sfc
    description:             High-Resolution Rapid Refresh - CONUS
    remote_grib:             https://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/hrrr....
    local_grib:              /home/blaylock/data/hrrr/20240301/subset_e0ef89f...
    search:            :(?:TMP|DPT):2 m

Notice that a BallTree object for the HRRR model was saved with the name <model_name>_<x_dim>_<y_dim>.pkl in the directory you save Herbie data. This is done so it can be loaded more quickly next time you extract points from this grid.

In the next cell I run the same command, and it uses the cached tree instead.

matched = ds.herbie.pick_points(points)
CPU times: user 132 ms, sys: 20.7 ms, total: 153 ms
Wall time: 150 ms
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 320B
Dimensions:              (point: 5)
    time                 datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-03-01
    step                 timedelta64[ns] 8B 00:00:00
    heightAboveGround    float64 8B 2.0
    latitude             (point) float64 40B 43.99 44.37 44.76 45.13 45.5
    longitude            (point) float64 40B 260.0 259.8 259.5 259.3 259.0
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-03-01
    gribfile_projection  object 8B None
    point_grid_distance  (point) float64 40B 0.8515 1.07 1.611 1.41 1.318
    point_latitude       (point) float64 40B 44.0 44.38 44.75 45.12 45.5
    point_longitude      (point) float64 40B -100.0 -100.2 -100.5 -100.8 -101.0
    point_stid           (point) object 40B 'McIntosh' 'Golden' ... 'Honeycrisp'
Dimensions without coordinates: point
Data variables:
    t2m                  (point) float32 20B 288.0 286.7 286.1 282.3 284.8
    d2m                  (point) float32 20B 268.8 271.8 270.5 274.1 270.5
    GRIB_edition:            2
    GRIB_centre:             kwbc
    GRIB_centreDescription:  US National Weather Service - NCEP
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             US National Weather Service - NCEP
    model:                   hrrr
    product:                 sfc
    description:             High-Resolution Rapid Refresh - CONUS
    remote_grib:             https://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/hrrr....
    local_grib:              /home/blaylock/data/hrrr/20240301/subset_e0ef89f...
    search:            :(?:TMP|DPT):2 m

You may want to swap the dimensions to use the point_stid coordinate as the dimension instead. Doing this makes it possible to select data by station ID instead of point index.

matched = matched.swap_dims({"point": "point_stid"})
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 128B
Dimensions:              ()
    time                 datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-03-01
    step                 timedelta64[ns] 8B 00:00:00
    heightAboveGround    float64 8B 2.0
    latitude             float64 8B 45.5
    longitude            float64 8B 259.0
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-03-01
    gribfile_projection  object 8B None
    point_grid_distance  float64 8B 1.318
    point_latitude       float64 8B 45.5
    point_longitude      float64 8B -101.0
    point_stid           <U10 40B 'Honeycrisp'
Data variables:
    t2m                  float32 4B 284.8
    d2m                  float32 4B 270.5
    GRIB_edition:            2
    GRIB_centre:             kwbc
    GRIB_centreDescription:  US National Weather Service - NCEP
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             US National Weather Service - NCEP
    model:                   hrrr
    product:                 sfc
    description:             High-Resolution Rapid Refresh - CONUS
    remote_grib:             https://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/hrrr....
    local_grib:              /home/blaylock/data/hrrr/20240301/subset_e0ef89f...
    search:            :(?:TMP|DPT):2 m

Now letโ€™s plot each point on a map with the value at the nearest grid point.

from toolbox import EasyMap, pc, ccrs

ax = EasyMap(crs=ds.herbie.crs).ax

for i in matched.point_stid:
    z = matched.sel(point_stid=i)
    ax.scatter(z.longitude, z.latitude, color="k", transform=pc)
        z.point_longitude, z.point_latitude, color="yellow", marker=".", transform=pc
        f" {z.point_stid.item()}\n {z.t2m.item()-273.15:.2f} C",
ax.set_extent([-101, -99, 44, 46], crs=pc)
(-289442.889311017, -108684.3334160587, 605320.486730601, 849853.0858732163)

Pick Points: Sounding#

If you want a โ€œsoundingโ€ at a single point, you will need to get the GRIB data for all the model layers of interest (yes, thatโ€™s a lot of data), then pick the point.

# TODO: Get read sounding data to compare model data to.
H = Herbie("2024-03-28 00:00", model="hrrr", product="prs")
ds = H.xarray("(?:DPT|TMP):[0-9]* mb", remove_grib=False)

# Get HRRR sounding at Salt Lake City
slc = ds.herbie.pick_points(
    pd.DataFrame({"latitude": [40.76], "longitude": [-111.876183]})
โœ… Found โ”Š model=hrrr โ”Š product=prs โ”Š 2024-Mar-28 00:00 UTC F00 โ”Š GRIB2 @ aws โ”Š IDX @ aws
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 696B
Dimensions:              (isobaricInhPa: 39, point: 1)
    time                 datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-03-28
    step                 timedelta64[ns] 8B 00:00:00
  * isobaricInhPa        (isobaricInhPa) float64 312B 1e+03 975.0 ... 75.0 50.0
    latitude             (point) float64 8B 40.75
    longitude            (point) float64 8B 248.1
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-03-28
    gribfile_projection  object 8B None
    point_grid_distance  (point) float64 8B 1.193
    point_latitude       (point) float64 8B 40.76
    point_longitude      (point) float64 8B -111.9
Dimensions without coordinates: point
Data variables:
    t                    (isobaricInhPa, point) float32 156B ...
    dpt                  (isobaricInhPa, point) float32 156B ...
    GRIB_edition:            2
    GRIB_centre:             kwbc
    GRIB_centreDescription:  US National Weather Service - NCEP
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             US National Weather Service - NCEP
    model:                   hrrr
    product:                 prs
    description:             High-Resolution Rapid Refresh - CONUS
    remote_grib:             https://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/hrrr....
    local_grib:              /home/blaylock/data/hrrr/20240328/subset_0befd2f...
    search:            (?:DPT|TMP):[0-9]* mb
# TODO: plot data on a sounding plot using MetPy

ax = plt.gca()
ax.plot(slc.t, slc.isobaricInhPa, color="red", marker=".", label="Temperature")
ax.plot(slc.dpt, slc.isobaricInhPa, color="green", marker=".", label="Dew Point")
ax.set_ylabel("Level (hPa)")
ax.set_ylabel("Temperature (K)")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fedbb2ab6e0>

Pick Points: Timeseries#

# TODO: Could demonstrate using FastHerbie here, if the kernel wouldn't crash (memory??)

i = []
for date in pd.date_range("2024-01-01", periods=9, freq="3h"):
    ds = Herbie(date).xarray("(?:DPT|TMP):2 m")
                    "latitude": [40.77069],
                    "longitude": [-111.96503],
                    "stid": ["KSLC"],
slc_ts = xr.concat(i, dim="valid_time")

slc_ts.t2m.plot(x="valid_time", marker=".", color="tab:red")
slc_ts.d2m.plot(x="valid_time", marker=".", color="tab:green")
โœ… Found โ”Š model=hrrr โ”Š product=sfc โ”Š 2024-Jan-01 00:00 UTC F00 โ”Š GRIB2 @ aws โ”Š IDX @ aws
โœ… Found โ”Š model=hrrr โ”Š product=sfc โ”Š 2024-Jan-01 03:00 UTC F00 โ”Š GRIB2 @ aws โ”Š IDX @ aws
โœ… Found โ”Š model=hrrr โ”Š product=sfc โ”Š 2024-Jan-01 06:00 UTC F00 โ”Š GRIB2 @ aws โ”Š IDX @ aws
โœ… Found โ”Š model=hrrr โ”Š product=sfc โ”Š 2024-Jan-01 09:00 UTC F00 โ”Š GRIB2 @ aws โ”Š IDX @ aws
โœ… Found โ”Š model=hrrr โ”Š product=sfc โ”Š 2024-Jan-01 12:00 UTC F00 โ”Š GRIB2 @ aws โ”Š IDX @ aws
โœ… Found โ”Š model=hrrr โ”Š product=sfc โ”Š 2024-Jan-01 15:00 UTC F00 โ”Š GRIB2 @ aws โ”Š IDX @ aws
โœ… Found โ”Š model=hrrr โ”Š product=sfc โ”Š 2024-Jan-01 18:00 UTC F00 โ”Š GRIB2 @ aws โ”Š IDX @ aws
โœ… Found โ”Š model=hrrr โ”Š product=sfc โ”Š 2024-Jan-01 21:00 UTC F00 โ”Š GRIB2 @ aws โ”Š IDX @ aws
โœ… Found โ”Š model=hrrr โ”Š product=sfc โ”Š 2024-Jan-02 00:00 UTC F00 โ”Š GRIB2 @ aws โ”Š IDX @ aws
๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿญ Created directory: [/home/blaylock/data/hrrr/20240102]
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fedbafadb80>]


Letโ€™s see how fast ds.herbie.pick_points is for harvesting many pointsโ€ฆ

H = Herbie("2024-03-28 00:00", model="hrrr")
ds = H.xarray(r"TMP:\d* mb", remove_grib=False)
โœ… Found โ”Š model=hrrr โ”Š product=sfc โ”Š 2024-Mar-28 00:00 UTC F00 โ”Š GRIB2 @ aws โ”Š IDX @ aws

Using the modelโ€™s own grid, I will generate 100 random samples to extract.

def generate_random_string(len=8):
    """Generate a random string."""
    import random
    import string

    return "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=len))

n = 100
points_self = (
    ds[["latitude", "longitude"]]
    .to_dataframe()[["latitude", "longitude"]]
points_self["stid"] = [generate_random_string() for _ in range(n)]
latitude longitude stid
0 28.118041 251.508694 A4Bt4ArI
1 45.433523 236.549102 M8TVLmnW
2 29.326794 290.301011 EFnRTuds
3 48.066147 293.088237 LGzLiHaU
4 32.020415 247.694797 tzABimIV
... ... ... ...
95 44.124212 279.341471 zA7MhOEm
96 44.208684 270.780126 OSrB5uVX
97 30.286338 254.814174 e5xYHMth
98 38.231154 256.410611 ZwVijXzk
99 42.481527 268.409357 PsiEP6f0

100 rows ร— 3 columns

y1 = ds.herbie.pick_points(points_self)
139 ms ยฑ 43.8 ms per loop (mean ยฑ std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
y2 = ds.herbie.pick_points(points_self, method="weighted")
1.94 s ยฑ 383 ms per loop (mean ยฑ std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
# Try the deprecated `nearest_points` method which used MetPy
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    y3 = ds.herbie.nearest_points(points_self)
681 ms ยฑ 47.1 ms per loop (mean ยฑ std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
# Do I get the same answer for the old and new method?
y1 = ds.herbie.pick_points(points_self)
y2 = ds.herbie.pick_points(points_self, method="weighted")
y3 = ds.herbie.nearest_points(points_self)

all(y1.latitude == y3.latitude), all(y1.longitude == y3.longitude)
/tmp/ipykernel_1317/3015965854.py:4: DeprecationWarning: The accessor `ds.herbie.nearest_points` is deprecated in favor of the `ds.herbie.pick_points` which uses the BallTree algorithm instead.
  y3 = ds.herbie.nearest_points(points_self)
/home/blaylock/GITHUB/Herbie/herbie/accessors.py:524: UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable  "t".
  crs = ds.metpy_crs.item().to_cartopy()
(True, True)
ax = EasyMap(crs=ds.herbie.crs).ax


ax.scatter(y1.longitude, y1.latitude, color="k", transform=pc)
    y1.point_longitude, y1.point_latitude, color="yellow", marker=".", transform=pc

<GeoAxes: >

Not bad. Less than half a second to extract 100 points from the HRRR grid.

Now letโ€™s try even moreโ€ฆ

n_samples = (
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
    + list(range(10, 100, 10))
    + list(range(100, 1_000, 100))
    + list(range(1_000, 10_000, 1_000))
    + [100_000, 1_000_000]

with warnings.catch_warnings():

    # Timers for nearest_points (deprecated)
    times_np = []
    samples_np = []

    # Timers for pick_points method='nearest'
    times_pp = []
    samples_pp = []

    # Timers for pick_points method='weighted'
    times_w = []
    samples_w = []

    for s in n_samples:
        timer = pd.Timestamp("now")
        y1 = ds.herbie.nearest_points(points_self)
        times_np.append((pd.Timestamp("now") - timer).total_seconds())

        timer = pd.Timestamp("now")
        y1 = ds.herbie.pick_points(points_self, method="nearest")
        times_pp.append((pd.Timestamp("now") - timer).total_seconds())

        timer = pd.Timestamp("now")
        y1 = ds.herbie.pick_points(points_self, method="weighted")
        times_w.append((pd.Timestamp("now") - timer).total_seconds())

plt.figure(figsize=[8, 4])
    label="pick_points (nearest)",
    label="pick_points (weighted)",
    label="nearest_points (deprecated)",

plt.title("Herbie methods to get data at a point")
plt.xlabel("Number of points picked")
plt.ylabel("Query Time (s)")
plt.legend(loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=[0.5, -0.2])

Nice! This method scales well for harvesting many points ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Lets see how well this works for the GFS modelโ€ฆ

gfs = Herbie("2024-01-01", model="gfs").xarray(":TMP:2 m ")
โœ… Found โ”Š model=gfs โ”Š product=pgrb2.0p25 โ”Š 2024-Jan-01 00:00 UTC F00 โ”Š GRIB2 @ aws โ”Š IDX @ aws
INFO: ๐ŸŒฑ Growing new BallTree...๐ŸŒณ BallTree grew in 1.7 seconds.
INFO: Saved BallTree to /home/blaylock/data/BallTree/gfs_1440-721.pkl
CPU times: user 1.8 s, sys: 100 ms, total: 1.9 s
Wall time: 1.89 s
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 5kB
Dimensions:              (point: 100)
    time                 datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-01-01
    step                 timedelta64[ns] 8B 00:00:00
    heightAboveGround    float64 8B 2.0
    latitude             (point) float64 800B 28.0 45.5 29.25 ... 38.25 42.5
    longitude            (point) float64 800B 251.5 236.5 290.2 ... 256.5 268.5
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-01-01
    gribfile_projection  object 8B None
    point_grid_distance  (point) float64 800B 13.15 8.325 9.869 ... 8.083 7.711
    point_latitude       (point) float64 800B 28.12 45.43 29.33 ... 38.23 42.48
    point_longitude      (point) float64 800B 251.5 236.5 290.3 ... 256.4 268.4
    point_stid           (point) object 800B 'A4Bt4ArI' ... 'PsiEP6f0'
Dimensions without coordinates: point
Data variables:
    t2m                  (point) float32 400B 287.8 277.5 293.1 ... 276.3 270.4
    GRIB_edition:            2
    GRIB_centre:             kwbc
    GRIB_centreDescription:  US National Weather Service - NCEP
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             US National Weather Service - NCEP
    model:                   gfs
    product:                 pgrb2.0p25
    description:             Global Forecast System
    remote_grib:             https://noaa-gfs-bdp-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/gfs.20...
    local_grib:              /home/blaylock/data/gfs/20240101/subset_6bef22b0...
    search:            :TMP:2 m 

Advanced Options#

The default behavior for method='nearest' is to return the first nearest neighbor. The default behavior for method='weighted' is to return the inverse-distance weighted mean of the nearest 4 grid points.

You can get more or fewer neighbors by setting the k argument. This might be useful if you want to compute the standard deviation of the k grid points surrounding a point of interest.

# Return the 5 nearest grid points to each request point
ds.herbie.pick_points(points_self, method="nearest", k=5)
CPU times: user 1.46 s, sys: 216 ms, total: 1.68 s
Wall time: 1.67 s
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 24kB
Dimensions:              (k: 5, isobaricInhPa: 5, point: 100)
    time                 datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-03-28
    step                 timedelta64[ns] 8B 00:00:00
  * isobaricInhPa        (isobaricInhPa) float64 40B 1e+03 925.0 ... 700.0 500.0
    latitude             (k, point) float64 4kB 28.12 45.43 ... 38.26 42.45
    longitude            (k, point) float64 4kB 251.5 236.5 ... 256.4 268.4
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-03-28
    gribfile_projection  object 8B None
    point_grid_distance  (k, point) float64 4kB 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 2.97 3.0 2.993
    point_latitude       (point) float64 800B 28.12 45.43 29.33 ... 38.23 42.48
    point_longitude      (point) float64 800B 251.5 236.5 290.3 ... 256.4 268.4
    point_stid           (point) object 800B 'A4Bt4ArI' ... 'PsiEP6f0'
Dimensions without coordinates: k, point
Data variables:
    t                    (k, isobaricInhPa, point) float32 10kB 304.9 ... 244.0
    GRIB_edition:            2
    GRIB_centre:             kwbc
    GRIB_centreDescription:  US National Weather Service - NCEP
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             US National Weather Service - NCEP
    model:                   hrrr
    product:                 sfc
    description:             High-Resolution Rapid Refresh - CONUS
    remote_grib:             https://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/hrrr....
    local_grib:              /home/blaylock/data/hrrr/20240328/subset_0befe27...
    search:            TMP:\d* mb
# Compute the distance weighted mean for the 9 nearest grid points to
# each request point
ds.herbie.pick_points(points_self, method="weighted", k=9)
CPU times: user 2.78 s, sys: 97.1 ms, total: 2.88 s
Wall time: 2.87 s
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 28kB
Dimensions:              (isobaricInhPa: 5, point: 100, k: 9)
    time                 datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-03-28
    step                 timedelta64[ns] 8B 00:00:00
  * isobaricInhPa        (isobaricInhPa) float64 40B 1e+03 925.0 ... 700.0 500.0
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-03-28
    gribfile_projection  object 8B None
    point_latitude       (point) float64 800B 28.12 45.43 29.33 ... 38.23 42.48
    point_longitude      (point) float64 800B 251.5 236.5 290.3 ... 256.4 268.4
    point_stid           (point) object 800B 'A4Bt4ArI' ... 'PsiEP6f0'
    latitude             (k, point) float64 7kB 28.12 45.43 ... 38.26 42.45
    longitude            (k, point) float64 7kB 251.5 236.5 ... 256.4 268.4
    point_grid_distance  (k, point) float64 7kB 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 4.242 4.232
Dimensions without coordinates: point, k
Data variables:
    t                    (isobaricInhPa, point) float64 4kB 304.9 ... 244.0

Suppose I wanted to get the standard deviation of model surface height around each of my points.

ds = Herbie("2024-01-01").xarray("HGT:surface")
dsp = ds.herbie.pick_points(points_self, k=100)
โœ… Found โ”Š model=hrrr โ”Š product=sfc โ”Š 2024-Jan-01 00:00 UTC F00 โ”Š GRIB2 @ aws โ”Š IDX @ aws
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 282kB
Dimensions:              (k: 100, point: 100)
    time                 datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-01-01
    step                 timedelta64[ns] 8B 00:00:00
    surface              float64 8B 0.0
    latitude             (k, point) float64 80kB 28.12 45.43 ... 38.33 42.38
    longitude            (k, point) float64 80kB 251.5 236.5 ... 256.3 268.3
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-01-01
    gribfile_projection  object 8B None
    point_grid_distance  (k, point) float64 80kB 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 16.97 16.93
    point_latitude       (point) float64 800B 28.12 45.43 29.33 ... 38.23 42.48
    point_longitude      (point) float64 800B 251.5 236.5 290.3 ... 256.4 268.4
    point_stid           (point) object 800B 'A4Bt4ArI' ... 'PsiEP6f0'
Dimensions without coordinates: k, point
Data variables:
    orog                 (k, point) float32 40kB 955.9 597.6 ... 1.361e+03 282.0
    GRIB_edition:            2
    GRIB_centre:             kwbc
    GRIB_centreDescription:  US National Weather Service - NCEP
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             US National Weather Service - NCEP
    model:                   hrrr
    product:                 sfc
    description:             High-Resolution Rapid Refresh - CONUS
    remote_grib:             https://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/hrrr....
    local_grib:              /home/blaylock/data/hrrr/20240101/subset_6bef832...
    search:            HGT:surface
z = dsp.orog.std(dim="k")
<xarray.DataArray 'orog' (point: 100)> Size: 400B
array([3.57974121e+02, 1.69752808e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00506348e+02,
       6.67194519e+01, 1.44643211e+01, 1.72897491e+01, 4.49295654e+01,
       5.20242023e+00, 1.31510179e-02, 2.03198242e+01, 0.00000000e+00,
       5.40655518e+01, 2.79081287e+01, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00,
       0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.36973648e+01, 5.59680462e-02,
       2.10313797e+01, 6.57881317e+01, 0.00000000e+00, 1.84571640e+02,
       1.35059387e+02, 4.05825577e+01, 3.62122345e+01, 7.16302872e+01,
       1.69172256e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 2.00776978e+01, 0.00000000e+00,
       2.38120499e+01, 4.83460712e+00, 4.66342430e+01, 2.26004620e+01,
       6.58044434e+00, 2.43521683e+02, 5.29580927e+00, 9.35856552e+01,
       1.76103989e+02, 2.67501984e+01, 0.00000000e+00, 6.42464294e+01,
       7.21421127e+01, 2.53476772e+01, 1.55120902e-02, 1.96815292e+02,
       0.00000000e+00, 1.62173843e+01, 3.15807373e+02, 1.09912872e+01,
       9.66130905e+01, 1.96222886e-01, 0.00000000e+00, 9.15527344e-05,
       0.00000000e+00, 5.75467110e+01, 1.22795906e+02, 0.00000000e+00,
       1.90995293e+01, 9.26871872e+01, 0.00000000e+00, 4.46593895e+01,
       7.39437256e+01, 0.00000000e+00, 2.01596813e+01, 1.12923744e+02,
       2.73812828e+01, 0.00000000e+00, 4.54793930e+01, 1.94310131e+01,
       1.56630157e+02, 4.82573051e+01, 2.60957432e+01, 1.03776340e+01,
       3.65887360e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 4.98398705e+01, 3.41156349e+01,
       4.36897621e+01, 0.00000000e+00, 4.71860838e+00, 5.85202408e+01,
       0.00000000e+00, 2.07875748e+01, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00,
       4.01632398e-01, 4.51303040e+02, 1.41894979e+01, 0.00000000e+00,
       2.05594254e+02, 1.38799706e+01, 0.00000000e+00, 4.10455780e+01,
       3.56380310e+01, 7.39399796e+01, 3.51430511e+01, 1.29698896e+01],
    time                 datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-01-01
    step                 timedelta64[ns] 8B 00:00:00
    surface              float64 8B 0.0
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 8B 2024-01-01
    gribfile_projection  object 8B None
    point_latitude       (point) float64 800B 28.12 45.43 29.33 ... 38.23 42.48
    point_longitude      (point) float64 800B 251.5 236.5 290.3 ... 256.4 268.4
    point_stid           (point) object 800B 'A4Bt4ArI' ... 'PsiEP6f0'
Dimensions without coordinates: point
ax = EasyMap().ax
art = ax.scatter(z.point_longitude, z.point_latitude, c=z, cmap="winter")
    label="Standard deviation of model elevation surrounding location",
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fedb1142000>