πŸͺ„ Merge Datasets#

Often users want to get multiple files across several files (across time or forecast hours). Here is an example of how to get those data and merge them into a single xarray Dataset.

from herbie import Herbie, FastHerbie
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd

from itertools import chain
# Create multiple Herbie objects for a range of dates
# Some data we want is in the RAP pressure grid file while other data is
# in the RAP native grid file.

dates = pd.date_range("2024-01-01", periods=3, freq="1H")

FH_prs = FastHerbie(dates, model="rap", product="awp130pgrb", fxx=[0])
FH_nat = FastHerbie(dates, model="rap", product="awp130bgrb", fxx=[0])
FH_prs.file_exists, FH_nat.file_exists
([β–Œβ–ŒHerbie RAP model awp130pgrb product initialized 2024-Jan-01 00:00 UTC F00 β”Š source=local,
  β–Œβ–ŒHerbie RAP model awp130pgrb product initialized 2024-Jan-01 01:00 UTC F00 β”Š source=aws,
  β–Œβ–ŒHerbie RAP model awp130pgrb product initialized 2024-Jan-01 02:00 UTC F00 β”Š source=aws],
 [β–Œβ–ŒHerbie RAP model awp130bgrb product initialized 2024-Jan-01 00:00 UTC F00 β”Š source=aws,
  β–Œβ–ŒHerbie RAP model awp130bgrb product initialized 2024-Jan-01 01:00 UTC F00 β”Š source=aws,
  β–Œβ–ŒHerbie RAP model awp130bgrb product initialized 2024-Jan-01 02:00 UTC F00 β”Š source=aws])
# Get xarray data for pressure level data
ds_prs = [
    H.xarray("(?:TMP:2 m|GRD:10 m|DPT:2 m|GUST|TMP:1000 mb|TMP:500 mb)")
    for H in FH_prs.file_exists

# flatten the list of lists into just a list of Datasets
ds_prs = list(chain(*ds_prs))
# Get xarray data for native level data
ds_nat = [H.xarray("(?:SOIL|VGTYP|TOSIL)") for H in FH_nat.file_exists]

# flatten the list of lists into just a list of Datasets
ds_nat = list(chain(*ds_nat))
def merge_datasets(ds_list):
    """Merge list of Datasets together.

    Since cfgrib doesn't merge data in different "hypercubes", we will
    do the merge ourselves.

    ds_list : list
        A list of xarray.Datasets, usually from the list of datasets
        returned by cfgrib when data is on multiple levels.
    these = []
    for ds in ds_list:
        ds = ds.drop_vars("gribfile_projection")
        expand_dims = []
        for i in [
            if i in ds and i not in ds.dims:
    return xr.merge(these, compat="override")
# Merge prs and nat data into one dataframe
# (NOTE: I'm not 100% convinced I did the merge correct. Why are there
# so many NaN values?)
ds = merge_datasets(ds_prs + ds_nat)
Dimensions:              (time: 3, step: 1, heightAboveGround: 2, y: 337,
                          x: 451, isobaricInhPa: 2, depthBelowLandLayer: 9)
  * time                 (time) datetime64[ns] 2024-01-01 ... 2024-01-01T02:0...
  * step                 (step) timedelta64[ns] 00:00:00
  * heightAboveGround    (heightAboveGround) float64 2.0 10.0
    latitude             (y, x) float64 16.28 16.31 16.34 ... 55.54 55.51 55.48
    longitude            (y, x) float64 233.9 234.0 234.1 ... 302.3 302.4 302.6
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 2024-01-01
  * isobaricInhPa        (isobaricInhPa) float64 1e+03 500.0
    surface              float64 0.0
  * depthBelowLandLayer  (depthBelowLandLayer) float64 0.0 0.01 0.04 ... 1.6 3.0
Dimensions without coordinates: y, x
Data variables:
    u10                  (heightAboveGround, time, step, y, x) float32 nan .....
    v10                  (heightAboveGround, time, step, y, x) float32 nan .....
    t2m                  (heightAboveGround, time, step, y, x) float32 297.1 ...
    d2m                  (heightAboveGround, time, step, y, x) float32 291.1 ...
    t                    (time, step, isobaricInhPa, y, x) float32 295.4 ... nan
    gust                 (time, step, y, x) float32 6.305 6.18 6.055 ... nan nan
    st                   (time, step, depthBelowLandLayer, y, x) float32 298....
    soilw                (time, step, depthBelowLandLayer, y, x) float32 1.0 ...
    gppbfas              (time, step, y, x) float32 17.0 17.0 17.0 ... nan nan
    GRIB_edition:            2
    GRIB_centre:             kwbc
    GRIB_centreDescription:  US National Weather Service - NCEP
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             US National Weather Service - NCEP
    model:                   rap
    product:                 awp130pgrb
    description:             Rapid Refresh (RAP) from NOMADS and Big Data Pro...
    remote_grib:             /home/blaylock/data/rap/20240101/rap.t00z.awp130...
    local_grib:              /home/blaylock/data/rap/20240101/subset_6bef9e80...
    search:            (?:TMP:2 m|GRD:10 m|DPT:2 m|GUST|TMP:1000 mb|TMP...
# Get data at a single point
point = ds.sel(x=100, y=100).squeeze()

# (Note: to get data nearest a specific lat/lon point, you would have to
# do a nearest neighbor search on the latitude/longitude coordinates
# get the index, and then query the specific x/y location. Maybe a Ball
# Tree algorithm could be used for that.)
Dimensions:              (time: 3, heightAboveGround: 2, isobaricInhPa: 2,
                          depthBelowLandLayer: 9)
  * time                 (time) datetime64[ns] 2024-01-01 ... 2024-01-01T02:0...
    step                 timedelta64[ns] 00:00:00
  * heightAboveGround    (heightAboveGround) float64 2.0 10.0
    latitude             float64 30.52
    longitude            float64 244.4
    valid_time           datetime64[ns] 2024-01-01
  * isobaricInhPa        (isobaricInhPa) float64 1e+03 500.0
    surface              float64 0.0
  * depthBelowLandLayer  (depthBelowLandLayer) float64 0.0 0.01 0.04 ... 1.6 3.0
Data variables:
    u10                  (heightAboveGround, time) float32 nan nan ... nan nan
    v10                  (heightAboveGround, time) float32 nan nan ... nan nan
    t2m                  (heightAboveGround, time) float32 287.2 nan ... nan nan
    d2m                  (heightAboveGround, time) float32 280.6 nan ... nan nan
    t                    (time, isobaricInhPa) float32 289.6 255.8 ... nan nan
    gust                 (time) float32 2.868 nan nan
    st                   (time, depthBelowLandLayer) float32 287.9 288.2 ... nan
    soilw                (time, depthBelowLandLayer) float32 0.081 ... nan
    gppbfas              (time) float32 7.0 nan nan
    GRIB_edition:            2
    GRIB_centre:             kwbc
    GRIB_centreDescription:  US National Weather Service - NCEP
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             US National Weather Service - NCEP
    model:                   rap
    product:                 awp130pgrb
    description:             Rapid Refresh (RAP) from NOMADS and Big Data Pro...
    remote_grib:             /home/blaylock/data/rap/20240101/rap.t00z.awp130...
    local_grib:              /home/blaylock/data/rap/20240101/subset_6bef9e80...
    search:            (?:TMP:2 m|GRD:10 m|DPT:2 m|GUST|TMP:1000 mb|TMP...
<xarray.DataArray 'u10' (heightAboveGround: 2, time: 3)>
array([[      nan,       nan,       nan],
       [1.8895483,       nan,       nan]], dtype=float32)
  * time               (time) datetime64[ns] 2024-01-01 ... 2024-01-01T02:00:00
    step               timedelta64[ns] 00:00:00
  * heightAboveGround  (heightAboveGround) float64 2.0 10.0
    latitude           float64 30.52
    longitude          float64 244.4
    valid_time         datetime64[ns] 2024-01-01
    surface            float64 0.0
Attributes: (12/37)
    GRIB_paramId:                             165
    GRIB_dataType:                            fc
    GRIB_numberOfPoints:                      151987
    GRIB_typeOfLevel:                         heightAboveGround
    GRIB_stepUnits:                           1
    GRIB_stepType:                            instant
    ...                                       ...
    GRIB_stepRange:                           0
    GRIB_units:                               m s**-1
    long_name:                                10 metre U wind component
    units:                                    m s**-1
    standard_name:                            eastward_wind
    grid_mapping:                             gribfile_projection