Brian Blaylock
April 28, 2021

β˜” Precipitation Variables#

Why is accumulated precipitation always zero for the model analysis? Check out this discussion.

Accumulated Precipitation#

NOTE: When cfgrib reads a grib file with more than one accumulated precipitation field, it will not read all the fields. I think this is an issue with cfgrib (see issue here). The way around this is to key in on a single APCP field, or to specify the stepRange in the backend kwargs. In Herbie, you can set the search to be more specific regarding the ACPC line to aquire.

from herbie import Herbie
from herbie.toolbox import EasyMap, pc
# Analysis accumulated precip (always zero everywhere)
h00 = Herbie("2021-04-28", fxx=0).xarray(":APCP:")

# Accumulated precip
# Note the different search syntax needed to get the 1hr precip versus the 6hr precip

# Accumulation for 1 hour
h06_1hr = Herbie("2021-04-28", fxx=6).xarray(":APCP:.*:(?:0-1|[1-9]\d*-\d+) hour")

# Accumulation since initialization time
h06_6hr = Herbie("2021-04-28", fxx=6).xarray(":APCP:surface:0-[1-9]*")
βœ… Found β”Š model=hrrr β”Š product=sfc β”Š 2021-Apr-28 00:00 UTC F00 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
βœ… Found β”Š model=hrrr β”Š product=sfc β”Š 2021-Apr-28 00:00 UTC F06 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
βœ… Found β”Š model=hrrr β”Š product=sfc β”Š 2021-Apr-28 00:00 UTC F06 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
def get_ax():
    defaults = dict(
        figsize=(10, 5),,
    return EasyMap(**defaults).STATES().OCEAN().LAND().ax
cfgrib variable: tp
GRIB_cfName unknown
GRIB_cfVarName unknown
GRIB_name Total Precipitation
GRIB_units kg m**-2
GRIB_typeOfLevel surface

/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "gribfile_projection".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "tp".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "gribfile_projection".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
<GeoAxesSubplot: title={'left': 'Run: 00:00 UTC 28 Apr 2021 F00', 'center': 'HRRR F00 surface\n', 'right': 'Valid: 00:00 UTC 28 Apr 2021'}>
cfgrib variable: tp
GRIB_cfName unknown
GRIB_cfVarName unknown
GRIB_name Total Precipitation
GRIB_units kg m**-2
GRIB_typeOfLevel surface

/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "gribfile_projection".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "tp".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "gribfile_projection".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
<GeoAxesSubplot: title={'left': 'Run: 00:00 UTC 28 Apr 2021 F06', 'center': 'HRRR F05-F06 surface\n', 'right': 'Valid: 06:00 UTC 28 Apr 2021'}>
cfgrib variable: tp
GRIB_cfName unknown
GRIB_cfVarName unknown
GRIB_name Total Precipitation
GRIB_units kg m**-2
GRIB_typeOfLevel surface

/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "gribfile_projection".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "tp".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "gribfile_projection".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
<GeoAxesSubplot: title={'left': 'Run: 00:00 UTC 28 Apr 2021 F06', 'center': 'HRRR F00-F06 surface\n', 'right': 'Valid: 06:00 UTC 28 Apr 2021'}>

Radar Reflectivity#

href = Herbie("2021-04-28").xarray(":REFC:")
βœ… Found β”Š model=hrrr β”Š product=sfc β”Š 2021-Apr-28 00:00 UTC F00 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
cfgrib variable: refc
GRIB_cfName unknown
GRIB_cfVarName unknown
GRIB_name Maximum/Composite radar reflectivity
GRIB_units dB
GRIB_typeOfLevel atmosphere

/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "gribfile_projection".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "refc".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "gribfile_projection".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
<GeoAxesSubplot: title={'left': 'Run: 00:00 UTC 28 Apr 2021 F00', 'center': 'HRRR  atmosphere\n', 'right': 'Valid: 00:00 UTC 28 Apr 2021'}>

Precipitation Rate#

It looks like the f00 precipitation rate is also an empty array.

hrate = Herbie("2019-04-28").xarray(":PRATE:")
hrate1 = Herbie("2019-04-28", fxx=1).xarray(":PRATE:")
βœ… Found β”Š model=hrrr β”Š product=sfc β”Š 2019-Apr-28 00:00 UTC F00 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
βœ… Found β”Š model=hrrr β”Š product=sfc β”Š 2019-Apr-28 00:00 UTC F01 β”Š GRIB2 @ aws β”Š IDX @ aws
hrate["prate"] = hrate.prate.where(hrate.prate != 0)
cfgrib variable: prate
GRIB_cfName unknown
GRIB_cfVarName prate
GRIB_name Precipitation rate
GRIB_units kg m**-2 s**-1
GRIB_typeOfLevel surface

/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "gribfile_projection".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "prate".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "gribfile_projection".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
<GeoAxesSubplot: title={'left': 'Run: 00:00 UTC 28 Apr 2019 F00', 'center': 'HRRR  surface\n', 'right': 'Valid: 00:00 UTC 28 Apr 2019'}>
hrate1["prate"] = hrate1.prate.where(hrate1.prate != 0)
cfgrib variable: prate
GRIB_cfName unknown
GRIB_cfVarName prate
GRIB_name Precipitation rate
GRIB_units kg m**-2 s**-1
GRIB_typeOfLevel surface

/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "gribfile_projection".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "prate".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
/home/blaylock/miniconda3/envs/herbie-dev/lib/python3.11/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "gribfile_projection".
  warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
<GeoAxesSubplot: title={'left': 'Run: 00:00 UTC 28 Apr 2019 F01', 'center': 'HRRR  surface\n', 'right': 'Valid: 01:00 UTC 28 Apr 2019'}>
[ ]: