
herbie.latest.HerbieWait(model='hrrr', priority=['aws', 'nomads'], wait_for='5min', check_interval='15s', **kwargs)[source]#

Wait for the latest model grid to become available.

  • model (str) – The name of the model.

  • priority (list) –

    The sources to look for data.

    The default value [“aws”, “nomads”] was chosen because it is a reasonable priority order for many of the models available from the NODD program (NOAA models like HRRR, GFS, GEFS, etc.) The data for these models will be made available on NOMADS first, but I also know AWS gets the data pretty quick. So, check AWS first, then check NOMADS (because if you make too many downloads from NOMADS your IP address will get blocked.)

  • wait_for (timedelta or Pandas-parsable Timedelta str) – Length of time Herbie will wait for data.

  • check_every (int (seconds), timedelta, Pandas-parsable Timedelta str) – Frequency Herbie will look for data again, as a pandas-parsable timedelta string (e.g., ’30s’) or an int representing seconds.

  • **kwargs – Any other input you want passed to the Herbie class.